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How to install the belt machine

发布时间:2015/7/30 8:05:16    字体大小:【】【】【
How to install the belt machine
For the novice, bought a new belt machine does not know how to install, today about how to install belt machine.
1, belt machine handle safety belt is pulled out, mounted on the front and rear wheel, and then put the handle back to the original position.
Note: the installation of belt, should be consistent with the direction of the arrow to confirm the belt on the back of the tool and the.
2, adjust the belt track.
Open the tool seven: belt power operation, is the center of the handle to adjust with belt track. Not according to this treatment, will cause the belt edge scrape.
3, install dust bag.
Part of the steel wire of the dust bag is placed in the installation position of the dust bag.
4, switch operation.
Starting with this tool, you can pull the trigger. Pull the trigger, the tool stops rotating. To make a continuous rotation, the trigger press the lock button to. Then pull the trigger, and then relax, you can eliminate the continuous rotation.
Note: to plug before shall be the switching operation of the inspection tools whether smooth, on the trigger and then relax, abrasive belt machine trigger switch is able to bounce in situ.
Because of our Hangzhou Xihu grinding wheel factory production of abrasive belt grinding machine more styles, installation is different (and some do not need to install) if you have any question, welcome to inquire, we will have professional technicians for you in detail.
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