The importance of abrasive belt
发布时间:2015/7/30 8:35:32 字体大小:【
The importance of abrasive belt
The Hangzhou Xihu grinding wheel factory is that the only reasonable selection, proper use of abrasive belt, and belt use in a variety of problems can be solved correctly, displays the superiority and abrasive belt grinding of the best grinding performance, in order to ensure the quality of abrasive belt grinding machine for processing the workpiece.
: before using the belt processing: belt storage is of course important, but belt before use if it can not be handled properly will seriously affect its performance.
1, hanging belt
The belt before use should be at least 2-5 days of suspension, its purpose is to eliminate curl due to packaging. The packing belt hanging on the belt support 100-200mm diameter pipe or on the special. Pipe length should be greater than belt width or belt to fall off or trumpet; tube should be a level, otherwise easy to damage belt edge. Should conform to the belt hanging belt the environmental temperature and humidity of storage conditions, the simplest way is in a sealed room, with few lamp 40W or 64W lighting to keep dry.
2, appearance inspection
Rear suspension belt before use should be necessary for the appearance of quality inspection, the inspected belt joint whether level off, firm; abrasive belt surface hole, sand group, lack of sand, glue spots, wrinkles; belt edge is neat and cracks, if there is a smaller gap edge, cut (cut into circular arc) does not affect the use.
3, storage belt
Belt storage for belt use is very important, especially the influence on the wide belt. The ideal storage conditions, reasonable storage methods in order to ensure that the use of belt to the best state.
4, temperature, humidity requirements
Belt should not be stored there are larger changes in the temperature and humidity, the ideal temperature for 18-220C; the ideal humidity: 40-65%, the temperature is too high will make the binder aging, reduce the service life of the belt. Synthetic fiber matrix belt (such as polyester cloth belt) is more sensitive to the cold, not cold stored in the warehouse.
The belt will deform the humidity is too high or too low, and the deformation will reduce the bonding strength of glue sand belt. Especially the humidity effect of the belt is quite serious. In addition to water belt, general belt damp after use, are prone to discount, wrinkle phenomenon of the belt machine scrap. In addition, the damp grinding grinding material easy to adhesion in belt surface, reduce the service life of the belt. Effect of high temperature, low humidity on paper backing is relatively large, so that the paper backing is brittle, easy to fracture scrap.
So how to choose belt, how to correctly use the belt, for the processing of abrasive belt machine workpiece quality is quite important, must remember!