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发布时间:2015/12/3 13:55:32    字体大小:【】【】【
Characteristics of grinding tool for grinding wheel machine
In the process of metal cutting, the wear of the tool can not continue to be used, and it must be re grinding the process with the grinding wheel machine. The cutting quality of the cutting tool will directly affect the cutting performance and the quality of the workpiece, the cutting edge grinding is to make the cutting part of the cutting tool to have the correct geometry, so that the cutting edge has a high degree of sharpness and durability.
1 the basic principle of cutting tool grinding is to observe the following principles.
(1) to understand the geometry of the cutting tool and technical requirements, determine the grinding method.
(2) the choice of a suitable sand turbine according to the geometry, material and process of the cutting tool
(3) the relative position of the cutting tool and the grinding wheel in the grinding wheel to ensure the correct geometry of the tool is to be accurately adjusted to the grinding wheel.
(4) cutting edge grinding by cutting tool material and machining requirements to select the appropriate grinding quantity, the cutting tool.
(5) in the edge grinding process, calibrate the timing of grinding wheel truing and dressing, premature dressing waste, late dressing of grinding wheel dull, so that edge grinding surface burning.
(6) dry grinding. The wet grinding must have sufficient help in cutting.
2 the characteristics of the cutting tools are characterized by cutting edge grinding and grinding.
(1) grinding a ship is in grinder, lathe tool blade grinding machine, special special tools such as broach, gear cutting tool and forming tool in special purpose grinder grinder processing.
(2) grinding tool is to make the blade with sharp, complete and smooth edge of this, in the grinding process can make tool annealing burn, after grinding tool to timely oiling, packaging and warehousing.
(3) a sharpening with in addition to strictly to calculate the size and the shape of the tool bit also to attach great importance to, such as tooth straightness, radial runout, tooth part and the shank axis, etc to meet the requirements.
(4) in the process of cutting edge grinding, the operator's head is close to the grinding wheel, so that the cutting edge of the cutting tool should be put on the safety protective equipment, especially the protective device, and the wheel rotation direction is avoided.
3 cutting tools cutting tools is a tool for cutting off the surplus material, many kinds of tools, a variety of forms.
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