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magnetization machine

发布时间:2015/12/31 10:40:47    字体大小:【】【】【
Demagnetization machine
Demagnetization characteristics:
1, large current and strong magnetic design of high voltage and large current discharge, the maximum discharge current can reach 20KA. in 10ms is to produce a high intensity magnetic field within the time. With the appropriate magnetizing coil, generating a magnetic field at the moment.
2, special capacitor: the use of special high-voltage oil immersed type fast discharge capacitance, no polarity, no loss, fast charge discharge bidirectional storage can, no memory effect; body no fever, no sound, stable performance, long life without failure. Capacitor discharge uniformity, good effect.
3, precise control circuit by fast shutdown SCR control, fast response speed, discharge instantaneous current change rate of 1000A/10 microseconds; capacitor discharge uniformity, low failure rate, long service life.
4, added afterflow diode and truncated circuit: installed to prevent reverse current of the diode, enhances the magnetizing effect, prolong the service life of the machine. The truncated circuit design, reducing heat, vibration and sound demagnetization demagnetization coil.
5: the fastest demagnetization demagnetization cycle can reach 0.3-0.6 seconds, is the fastest contemporary demagnetization. To improve the work efficiency 2-3 times.
6 high precision repeatability: high precision voltage control, constant voltage booster sprint, repeat error is less than 5V. To ensure the consistency of the demagnetizing effect.
7 a machine when the two machine can do: magnetizing machine use, can also be used when demagnetization machine.
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