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Eight safety precautions polishing machine

发布时间:2016/3/21 16:03:23    字体大小:【】【】【
Eight safety precautions polishing machine
Since safety is always heavy, regardless of what the industry only safety is efficient security, then to use the polishing machine we should pay attention to what? Here is for everyone to summary about West Lake polishing machine at work safety precautions.
1, polishing machine itself trouble, prohibit the use of related equipment.
2, the relevant operating personnel are not professional training on the job, the operator did not learn the normal safety operation regulations, prohibit the operation of equipment.
3, do not allow the power winding into the polishing head, the staff on the power line.
4, the staff's hands or feet to be far away from the polishing head, to maintain a certain distance.
5, the staff must wear good protective measures, the safety protection equipment.
6, after the staff to stop the device, you must turn off the power.
7, polishing pad must be cleaned in time after the dirt, if you can not clean the two use, to replace the power supply after the replacement of the new polishing pad.
8, the storage location of the polishing machine is suitable for drying. Can not be used in the open.
Above is the polishing machine in the usual work of the note, only strict rules and regulations to ensure safety. Therefore, we must strictly enforce the rules and regulations, only a good implementation can really improve the work safety and efficiency.
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