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Use of polishing machine for polishing machine

发布时间:2016/3/23 14:52:05    字体大小:【】【】【
Use of polishing machine for polishing machine
Use of polishing machine brush: metal surface cleaning. Cleaning of parts surface rust skin, welding slag, old paint layer, need high cutting force, are often used in rigid wire polishing machine brush nimbus. At the same time using high speed or dry brush, the brush wheel polishing machine rotation speed above 2000r/min.
Polishing brush light removing parts of the surface of the general dirt or etching residue after floating dust, the selection of the cutting force low, small rigid brass wire, bristles or filaments brush nimbus. Its rotation speed and pressure should be moderate, otherwise it will scratch the surface of the parts, the general control between 1800-200r/min. This brush can be used dry brush, also can be used wet brush, the floating dust wet brush, brush liquid light tap water can be used, such as the need for decontamination, using in oil cleaning agent.
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