发布时间:2016/3/28 15:58:24 字体大小:【
Three kinds of stainless steel polishing and polishing machine and the lack of
Now, each have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, the machinery industry also is such, such as stainless steel polishing machine polishing method is not the same, for the stainless steel parts, commonly used methods of polishing have three kinds of electrochemical polishing, mechanical polishing, chemical polishing, stainless steel polishing method has superiority and deficiency, below we come to understand the details;
1, electrochemical polishing disadvantage is high pollution processing equipment, one-time investment is large, complex parts to tooling, auxiliary electrode, mass production also need cooling facilities. And the advantages of specular gloss keep long, stable process, less pollution, low cost, good corrosion resistance.
2, mechanical polishing is labor-intensive, pollution is serious, and the complex parts can not be processed. The utility model has the advantages of processing parts of the flat is good, high brightness.
3, chemical polishing defect is the brightness difference, there is gas overflow, need ventilation equipment, heating difficulties. Advantages of processing equipment is less investment, complex parts can be thrown, high speed, high efficiency, good corrosion resistance.