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How to correctly use the polishing machine

发布时间:2016/4/11 15:16:39    字体大小:【】【】【
How to correctly use the polishing machine
West Lake how to use the polishing machine:
1 according to the requirements of the motor must be grounded;
2 polishing process, the operator must not be too close to the feeding bracket, so as to avoid polishing wax or polishing sand fly out of wounding;
3 polishing process, the operator body parts do not close to the machine rotating parts, so as not to damage the body;
The 4 workpiece polished will have certain heat, take the workpiece, please wear gloves, so hot;
5 the workpiece machining process, in addition to emergency situations according to the emergency stop button, otherwise, must withdraw from the rear can stop;
6 emergency stop button is mainly used to control the emergency stop when the accident happened, the operator should use the right button;
7 in the course of use please be sure to wear protective glasses, avoid splashing into the eyes of spark polishing process.
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