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The common problem of belt machine

发布时间:2016/6/29 7:57:17    字体大小:【】【】【
The common problem of belt machine
1 abrasive stainless steel plate are shock pattern is how to solve?
Is not to look at the surface of the stainless steel belt to bring shock pattern, if it is also possible to roll rough stainless steel plate to bring shock pattern
If the belt problem, the solution is as follows:
1, the interface for the S belt, absolutely can not use lap.
2, S connection, then it should be smooth, otherwise it will cause vibration pattern
3, belt gravel size is not uniform. Solution: change the uniform sand belt.
4, if the oil is brushed, recommend the use of silicon carbide abrasive belt
5, the belt can not appear trumpet, processing method: put up before the belt ends are aligned, if there are no creases in the middle.
Under normal circumstances, new abrasive belt is arranged to come up the use of time, there are so many boards will shock pattern, sand a few panels will be good.
2 furniture factory poisonous belt
Use the furniture factory belt general with quartz sand as grinding material, quartz sand itself is not toxic.
3 why not firm stick belt
1, used,
2, a long time, plastic aging,
3, the paste surface is not smooth,
4, stick when pulling on the rubber, the molecular structure changed, lost the ability of cement.
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