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Rules for the use of polishing machine samples

发布时间:2016/7/14 10:44:57    字体大小:【】【】【
Rules for the use of polishing machine samples
Many of the staff in the use of polishing machine when there are many steps are not very attention, we particularly need to pay attention to the safety of the use of the problem, but also need to pay attention to the following rules. Because when in use, the staff will take off the dust cover, polishing cover, Aluminum Alloy rings. Then it will smooth the wet polishing fabric on the polishing disc. Then use Aluminum Alloy ring polishing fabric will be closely linked to the polishing disk, modified polishing cloth. Place the container at the outlet of the drainage pipe, and make the waste polishing liquid into the container. Finally, the power switch on the polishing machine can be rotated to the "open" position, when the motor starts, the bag after the disc is rotated normally, and then metallographic polishing work. In this case, after the end of the polishing should be closed in time for all power, clean sanitation, covered with dust cover.
In the sample process, after the use of the polishing machine, we have to do it for the inspection and maintenance must be done in place. First of all, we must check the link machine grounding is not reliable security. Then in the use of pre staff to remove the cover, cover ring and metallographic polishing cloth cleaning, and table clean. When the switch is switched on, the disc should rotate according to the counterclockwise direction. When polishing the fabric, there should be a proper amount of polishing solution and water to keep the moisture of the fabric. If it is found that the fabric is damaged and so on, we need to be replaced, to prevent the test of the sample fly out to hurt people around. Use is completed at the same time, the staff to clean up the parts, working platform, the way the dust into the. When the machine is used for a long time, it should be timely replacement of motor grease. There is not too much pressure is not allowed to polish, so as to avoid overloading the motor and the fabric of the tear.
If the staff at the time with these processes note that the above we say the rules, I think the life of the polishing machine will become very long.
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