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Robot polishing

发布时间:2016/7/20 8:00:50    字体大小:【】【】【
Robot polishing
Recently this period of time is, the hottest time of the year when, every year during this hot season we Hangzhou Xihu grinding wheel factory work half a day morning, rest in the afternoon half day, in order to avoid high temperature, but this year is the normal work, because the company is in a hurry to get production, robotic grinding equipment.
What is the robot polishing it?
Robotic grinding is adopted the most advanced cutting software and machining force control technology, and spindle, tool library, turntable and other readily available configuration, can replace manual and burr machine tool equipment, for the castings, sheet metal parts, sanitary ware, notebook computers, mobile phones and other shell grinding, deburring processing automation. Robot grinding automation system to remove unnecessary material from the surface of machining parts and products quickly and effectively.
Regardless of what the industry, batch production with grinding process, it can not automation equipment, and grinding operation of non-standard and the grinding action of the flexible requirements become universal grinding machine technical obstacles. The grinding machine and the robot is combined into a single robot grinding system or complete robot grinding equipment, supplemented by the transmission line and the corresponding fixture technology research and development into complete grinding process automatic production line, efficient completion of non-standard automation of grinding process.
Precision polishing of different parts of the material itself is a science. It requires the manufacturer to equipped with automatic grinding machine, grinding equipment and production line, the professional knowledge of the process of grinding, the appropriate grinding technology and the correct grinding process.
West Lake Hangzhou sanding machine factory to provide you with professional non - standard parts grinding solutions to help you solve the problem of grinding automation, boost productivity. Welcome to inquire!
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