English 中文版 0571-63882799
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发布时间:2016/7/31 8:12:27    字体大小:【】【】【
Scope of use and operation process of the polishing machine
Use scope: abrasive belt polishing machine suitable for wood flooring, tiles and other hard floor polishing.
Operation process: before the first primary polishing abrasive belt polishing confidential clear the garbage on the ground, and other impurities, prevent the effect of polishing. Then need to check the polishing machine polishing brush is not very clean, if not clean, you need to clean, whether broken, broken, it is required to replace a new.
Then check the belt polishing machine adjusting health controller was not in a normal position, which is in the normal position of the machine speed. Finally connected with the upper polishing machine power, and then start operating from the side, first polishing from power source is near the position, and then to the distance, generally installed in a straight line polishing, before and after polishing position should overlap, to avoid the there is no place to polishing.
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